It's been over a year since our dossier arrived in China. It's been sitting in the CCAA office gathering dust for at least that long. I don't even know if it's ever been touched. Supposedly, it has been in the "review room" since February 2007.... That's the last stop before the "matching room". Currently dossiers are waiting in these rooms for months and months at a time, when it used to be just a week or two.
I imagine that room to be a place piled to the rafters with thousands of parents' files, waiting for their children. It's kind of like having thousands of pregnant families, all crammed in one place, just waiting to go into labor!
In other adoption news, our documents were sent to the Secretary of State's office today, and then on to the Vietnamese Consulate for translation. Shortly after that, we should have Kamryn's referral!!! It's so exciting, but rather surreal to think that she'll be home soon. After all this waiting, I don't even know how to feel.
Connor's t-ball season ended last Saturday, and he starts basketball in June. I think he's only in it because his friends are doing it, and for the trophy, but as long as he wants to play, we might as well let him.
23 May 2007
Posted by Nora Jane at 5/23/2007 01:16:00 PM 0 comments
03 May 2007
Need Pink?
On the adoption front, referrals arrived yesterday for those with LIDs through November 1, 2005. Yes, that's 2-thousand-FIVE. I'm not really suprized, but it would be nice if I could be a little more optimistic! A few agencies out there are giving into the reality and telling their clients that the wait will be 36 months. I've pretty much resigned myself to that, but it still stings to see it in print.My Aunt Vicky underwent surgery this week for breast cancer. She is in my thoughts all the time. So, to add to my obsession for all things pink, I've decided to enter the Race for the Cure this year....I'm toying with the 3-day, but my friend Robyn ended up in the ER after day 2 last year. And if I went with her, who would pick us up at midnight from the hospital?
AND, major congrats to Sean and April on their latest sonogram that shows a girl.....AND a boy! There's not another couple in the world who deserves more joy. I'm really glad the kiddos decided to cooperate this time around, because I have been waiting to buy cute baby things for them for what seems like forever!!!
Posted by Nora Jane at 5/03/2007 12:29:00 PM 0 comments