01 July 2007

I can't believe it's already July. This year is disappearing before my eyes, and i'm wondering what i've done with the time. Oh, i know!! I've been managing my family, my business, 2 adoptions, the governments of the US, China and Vietnam...and a partridge in a pear tree!
I don't know if I've already posted that the CCAA just started matching November in its last batch. That set us back to an estimated referral date for Keira to August 2008 at the very earliest. Each month, the wait gets even longer. When we started this journey in October 05, the wait time was 6-7 the time we were done with our paperchase and logged in, the wait had already doubled. and now, a little over a year later, we'll be waiting for AT LEAST as long as we've already waited. (14 months).
BIG HUGE hugs to April, Sean, Isabella and Caden. They are all hanging in there, and the twins are proving to be challenging and stubborn in the womb. Go figure...We love you all so much.

Pictures! August 20

Pictures! Aug 18-19