But you have to wait for it - or I guess you could just scroll down like the sneaky blog-readers you are and forget about the amazing scintillating reading material that is the cournerstone and signature of this blog that keeps you coming back for more! Anyway, she is a cutie, isn't she???? What an amazing little girl she is. She was battling a double ear infection and some tummy issues, but is doing much better now. Still very, very small for her dates, but healthy and strong. I cannot remember much about life before her, and we have melded together into a foursome pretty smoothly and effortlessly. She's brought out the best in all of us! Kenna LOVES these things...I think they're technically bath toys, but whatever works, right?
She seriously dislikes her carseat. HATES being strapped in at all. Just look at that sad face!! This is the post-screaming sigh after being finally unbound!
She certainly loves the camera! This was the easiest photo shoot EVER!!
Oh my goodness - check out the tiny little toe sticking out! She does not like this position, and this was the only time she didn't smile for the camera with her big almost toothless grin. It's still a really cute grimace!
We're getting ready for Fall around here (our favorite season). Football season, Halloween, Pumpkin Patch...the picture possibilites are endless...stay tuned!!!!
10 October 2008
More Pictures!
Posted by Nora Jane at 10/10/2008 09:51:00 PM 7 comments
03 October 2008
Prayers for another VN sweetie
I met an amazing little baby boy in VN. He was being adopted by a tireless woman and her family. She was traveling alone for half the journey to complete her adoption of this adorable boy who has some special needs. Her husband had just been deployed and was forced to leave early; her other small children were at home pining for her; her newest addition was having trouble adjusting; the US and UK governments were being ... um... less than helpful in getting this very special new family home. I would see them most mornings, and was always in awe of the woman's patience and spirit, determination and drive to find the answers for her new son; faith and adoration of this little human being who needed her so much.
He is in the hospital trying to overcome some large obstacles now. I think of him all the time and remember his bright smile and beautiful face. Hang in there, E. You and your forever family have been blessed with each other and will give each other strength beyond measure.
Posted by Nora Jane at 10/03/2008 03:59:00 AM 0 comments