Kenna and B...sharing the spotlight is hard!
Playtime! Look at my chunky arms!
Mommy and Me!
Big Brother!
I love to stand and try to walk!
24 September 2008
Alraight, already!!! Here's some new pics...
Posted by Nora Jane at 9/24/2008 12:16:00 PM 2 comments
22 September 2008
One month ago today....
It's been one month since our G&R. I cannot imagine our lives without our baby girl. She has been in our hearts and souls for as long as we can remember...long before her birth; long before Emma's death. She completely belongs with us, and us with her. There cannot be a more perfect match for our family. We are in awe of her.
She has the most amazing smile, and a laugh that comes from deep within her heart. An (almost) toothless grin that will melt your soul and make your forget that the world was ever a harsh, sad place. Her cry is like a tiny mewing kitten. You can barely hear her's barely a whimper. I wonder if that is because there is no reason for a loud cry if you know no one is coming. Maybe it's from the lack of good nutrition...maybe she's just soft spoken. I can't wait to find out.
She tries to walk if you hold her hands. She is so proud of her accomplishments, and just loves to try to meet the next goal. When she's happy, she kicks and laughs....and I mean kicks like crazy! She looks like a little frog trying to leap to the next lily pad. Tummy time is a hoot - she tries to scoot forward, but ends up going in circles. I think she may skip crawling altogether.
She does not like to wake up alone. No way, no how. But really, who does? She's like a little ray of sunshine when she wakes up and sees one of us, especially Connor. Her glee is contagious, and we all just stare at her as she makes each one of us laugh our way through the hectic morning routine.
We are so blessed to have been graced with her love in our lives. She is a miracle. No doubt.
Posted by Nora Jane at 9/22/2008 10:30:00 PM 2 comments
18 September 2008
Bon Voyage!
Have a wonderful time, M and L....I cannot tell you how excited I am for both of you! I wish I could go again, just to witness the joy that they are going to experience. I can still feel how it feels to be in that room, meeting your daughter for the very first time...the emotion is overwhelming. Joy, relief, elation....crazy sadness that you couldn't meet her sooner.....urgency about learning every bit of information you can in the short amount of time you have with the nanny....a surreal ache in your arms when you have to give your baby to anyone else even for a amazing flood of happiness, knowing she is yours and you are hers forever and ever. And that no one (not even the U.S. Embassy) can take her away from you. And then, a strange desire to get quickly as possible so you can begin your new life together.
And then a brand new set of emotions when you board the plane; when you land on U.S. soil; when you finally get through customs; when you land in your hometown; when you greet your waiting friends and family; when you strap your baby into the carseat for the first time...
It's a brand new world of nothing but new, and it's ... indescribable. Ok, I'm off to wake up my baby just to hug her really tight, just because I can.
Posted by Nora Jane at 9/18/2008 09:28:00 PM 1 comments
11 September 2008
Trying this again...
Ok - I've been trying to finish a post about BN all day long, and my blogger is giving me some serious attitude. I figured a glass of wine might be in order before I tried again, so bear with me.
My point was to express my joy for my Thai Nguyen'ers who are on the cusp of finally completing their adoptions. Two of the four of us will be travelling next week! I was the lucky one who got to go "first", but had to go it alone, and there's just one left. I have a feeling it won't be long now, and it's been a LONG time coming. We have each been through very private, individual, and sometimes tragic circumstances in this process. When we started this, we were told it would be about a 4 month process. Here we are, 18 months later...
Each of us were overjoyed with our first referrals from Thai Nguyen. None of us could have imagined how we would ultimately be joined with our daughters, but each of us suffered in the early months. When we were told that the babies we fell in love with would not be ours, dreams were shattered. Of course we all know there are no guarantees in adoption, but that piece of information becomes irrelavant when you see that picture for the first time and fall head over heels for a little face. You memorize every detail, every hair on her head, every freckle. When those referrals were rescinded, my arms felt empty. My heart was broken. We mourned for those little girls, and waited with bated breath for our next bite at the adoption apple.
And y'all know the rest of the story -- we have Kenna in our hearts and in our arms. She is ours and a perfect addition to our family. We are blessed to have found our ways to each other; it is a true miracle.
Godspeed, my good friends - you are in my heart always.
Posted by Nora Jane at 9/11/2008 09:50:00 PM 4 comments
04 September 2008
Back to life, back to reality
Well, there's nothing like jumping right back into your routine to remind you how ridiculous all the small things really are. C started school on Tuesday -- one week later than his classmates, and pretty jetlagged still. He was a trooper, though and kept his wits about him as he navigated the brave new world of public school. (lunches and hall passes and homework, oh my!)
More later when I'm not nodding off at the keyboard...
Posted by Nora Jane at 9/04/2008 12:22:00 AM 2 comments