Well, there's nothing like jumping right back into your routine to remind you how ridiculous all the small things really are. C started school on Tuesday -- one week later than his classmates, and pretty jetlagged still. He was a trooper, though and kept his wits about him as he navigated the brave new world of public school. (lunches and hall passes and homework, oh my!)

So, since we sent C to school, there was really no excuse for us to be playing hooky. Not that I need an excuse...but anyway, K came to the office with us, and made me realize instantly that it is just ridiculous how cute she is! I can't take my eyes off of her! This makes it difficult to do anything but point and laugh at myself and the crazy faces we make at each other. Her personality is really starting to peek through, and she is clearly the social butterfly of the family. She really is a good sleeper, just like the nannies said. She only wakes up 2x a night...she's a great eater, and is already starting to fill out just a little bit; she has a little bit of a princess complex that I love to indulge. She absolutely cannot stand to be be dirty or wet for more than a nanosecond, and the bottle must be at or near room temperature, or else. When she's hungry, SHE'S HUNGRY, and has no problem letting you and half the neighborhood know about it.

Just for giggles

Apres bath

Meeting new friends!
More later when I'm not nodding off at the keyboard...
I just LOVE her, Nora!!!!! :)
C is a trooper and looks so proud for his first day back at school. Hope the jetlag subsides for all of you soon.
Glad to hear that K is such a good sleeper! And sounds like the transition for her has been great.
Now only if you guys could work =D. Glad to hear and see that all is well with your family!
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